Abby Tibon

2021 Looking Out While Looking In

This year's Spring/Summer Section of DRPT-3007 Painting: Portraiture taught by Ilene Sova, Exhibition of Collaborative Project (COIL) course between OCAD U and State University New York Geneseo students

Curators: Natalie Claus, Ariana Massari, Ashley Walker
Teaching Assistant: Azulmar Escalera
Course Instructors: Alla Myzelev, SUNYG and Ilene Sova, OCADU

The Covid-19 pandemic had tremendous effects on all of us around the world in different ways. From struggles at home to feelings of isolation, feelings of normalcy had been dismantled. With human contact existing through a screen, the effect of this pandemic has edged many people into a position of self-reflection. This, paired with the uncertainty of looking out at the ever-changing world around them, allowed for evolving perspectives. Together OCADU and SUNY Geneseo students developed an exhibition of self-portraits that reflects their struggles and realizations during the COVID-19pandemic.

@ocadudrpt @sunygeneseo @ocaduniversity

2021 Culture's Compass- Humber College

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